Saturday, 12 January 2013



Are you enjoying your week-end?  I `m off to a friend from work where we will have a little party so speak to you tomorrow for an outfit post but before this a little sneek peek.
Love ya guys!



Strawberry said...

Beautiful *.*

Unknown said...

Jedva cekam da vidim! :)

Sofies closet said...

It looks so cool :-)

Tanja S. said...

wow, ovo izgleda kao savrsen outfit! Jedva cekam da ga vidim na tebi :)

Borjana said...

Imam taj kacket i bas ga volim;)

Irène Latoudis said...

Can't wait to see the outfit! The necklace looks really cool! I'm waiting to see you in my followerslist! xoxo

Tatjana Dmitrovic Drljan said...

Suknjica i duksic savrseno izgledaju zajedno!!

Anna and Klaudia said...

Have fun! :)

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Unknown said...

joooj predobra mi je ta maica,duks ili sta je vec...savrsenstvo!

Anonymous said...

lovely skirt!

Caro * said...

Très sympa <3

♥♥Fashion-LadyLovely♥♥ said...

Girl, thnx for the comment on my blog..
I love the sweater!!!! So crazy item...

Check my new blogpost: beanie and leave a comment...


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